When losses get large (into the $1 Million+ range of quantum), the causation investigations can often involve more than one discipline of expertise, which means that the client must either hire a large firm which may or may not have all the appropriate experts, or several specific independent experts.
Irrespective of which method is used, having several experts investigating a loss can lead to data overload and confusion since they all have their own analyses to complete. Oak’s personnel have the experience to lead these investigations and act as “point-person” in which all the specific technical experts report through. This results in a smoother, more cohesive experience to answer the questions posed by the client, as well as a clear, concise report for the client. This process can also result in lower overall investigation costs and reduces much of the confusion and headaches of managing multiple experts on a loss.
1143 42nd Ave SE
Calgary Alberta T2G 1Z3
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